Some girls are hand bag girls, some girls are shoe girls. You can make some girls happy by giving them shiny things, and some girls are suckers for food.
THESE girls, however will take a cracky ol' chunk of rusty junk any day. (say that three times fast)
My friend
Ruth and I went junkin' yesterday. Wow. It was sooooooo fun. We started at the Norfolk Re-Store (Habitat for Humanity) and found this "gem."
They wanted $100 and wouldn't take less that $75. It was made of plastic and the poster was held in there with duct tape?? Ca-RAZY. We didn't leave there with much. We did manage to find some cabinet doors, but not much else.
Next destination: Doumar's.
Oh. MY. It was so amazing. This little hole in the wall in Norfolk has been there for over 100 years, and I'm gonna tell ya what: YUM. It was featured on "Diner's, Drive In's, and Dives" with Guy Crazy Hair Fieri or whatever his name is. Well, he wasn't joking. I had two cheeseburgers. Instead of dessert.
And it was super cute.
FINALLY, we made it to the crown jewel of the day: Country Boys
Note the hours "M-S 11-5 and...Sunday by Chance"
I could smack myself for not grabbing that big jar in the window. But if you could see how packed it was in there, you'd give me grace for having missed it.
I mean, this dude has EVERYTHING and multiples of EVERYTHING and he knows about each piece. Example. Need a keyhole cover thingy?
Forgive the pics, there is NO light in there, and I had to use my flash... horror of horrors!
Or need some dishes? (look to the back of this picture. See the chairs hanging from the ceiling?) again. CA-RAZY!!! You can barely walk here. This is NOT for the faint of heart junker.
Here's the man of the hour, himself. Alvin. He drives a HARD BARGAIN, and that's sayin' alot, because I can bargain with virtually anyone.
Country Boy's Antiques
3818 Granby Street in Norfolk
Bring Cash. Lots. And exact change.
Anyway, so this will be a really long post, but here are some of my sweet finds.
This big frame is SUPER amazing. Hand carved. Who knows what I'll do with this beauty, but I'm thinking chalkboard/magnet board. Also love those little curly things. I may attach them to each other and make them part of a gallery wall kit for my
Shop, who knows?
These antique glass knobs were just what I came for! I bought all he had (which was only these six, but I like to make myself sound like some philanthropist...) ha!
oh, and the basket I currently have these in, also a C.B.'s find
Beaut!!! |
I found this wooden basket sitting in a little nook and dug it out. I LOVE it. So he says it's from some funeral gig somehow, but I don't care. That handle calls out to me. These spindles will make wonderful candlesticks (again, a Ruth influence), and those keyhole covers, who knows, but I just love them!!!
(okay, and doesn't this picture look like it's from some abandoned french apartment, what with my cracking plaster and all?????)
Here's a better look on some of the age we're talkin' 'bout here... drool, drool....
NOW. hold onto your seats. for the Pièce de résistance (Yes, i googled that and copied and pasted it. No, I'm not french, IF you can believe it...)
This is a piece of tin trim from who the heck knows when. What will I do with this you ask? I have NO idea... yet.... But I do want to carry it around with me and lick it occasionally. Just kidding. really, I'm joking. I don't lick stuff. Generally....
There were a few more things, but I won't bore you with the rest. And Ruth, you're welcome for my kindly not posting a bunch of pictures of you, tho it was hard, because that face you made about the frame price was priceLESS!!!! Thanks for a fun day! Loved it! Now on to the crafting....
I linked up here! and at
I heart Naptime